Brahman/i: A One-Hijra Stand-Up Comedy Show

by Aditi Brennan Kapil

Presented by Company One | October 24 — November 22, 2014 at the South End / BCA Plaza Theatres

Presented by Kitchen Theatre Company | October 8 — 29, 2017

Presented by 1st Stage | July 12-22, 2018 as part of the 2nd annual Logan Festival of Solo Work

Grab a drink and prepare for the comedic stylings of "B" takes on nosy Indian aunties, teenage cliques, ancient Hindu sculpture, porn, and 100 years of colonial history in this stand-up-act-meets-play about radical acts of self-creation. Part of the Displaced Hindu Gods Trilogy by Aditi Brennan Kapil.


"Brahman/i is imbued with a mix of matter and spirit."WBUR Artery

"I’ve never cried during a stand-up routine, at least not until I saw Brahman/i: A One Hijra Stand-Up Comedy Show. And while there was no shortage of quick-witted and well-aimed humor, these weren’t tears provoked by laughter. Rather, they were the silent kind that slide down a cheek not calling attention to themselves, but causing your mascara to run nonetheless...[Aila Peck, playwright Aditi] Kapil, and director M. Bevin O’Gara are aware of the effect humor can have on impacting necessary change."Dig Boston